Why we need to be fearless when it comes to creativity

Coming from a creative background, I’ve always found it odd that a lot of people I’ve worked with throughout my career from other industries don’t consider themselves to be creative. I find that so weird because from tech to legal, everyone I’ve ever met sees the world in a very different way and I cherish that.

 Creativity isn’t something that is exclusive to creative backgrounds. Everyone experiences moments where they have to find creative solutions to the most analytical problems. Why is it then, that most people don’t consider themselves creative? It might have to do with industry standards not feeding into or providing opportunities to exercise that creative muscle or people feeling that their ideas aren’t valued.

 When I started working at Velv, one of the first things I noticed is that ideas and feedback are accepted and appreciated from the whole team. Everyone, no matter their background, is free to contribute and is part of a discussion. It creates a work environment where we all feel comfortable to share ideas and, honestly, it helps us come up with solutions a lot faster.

 Companies need to start embracing a creative mindset and help employees understand that their creativity is valued. Host weekly creative sessions, create a safe environment where your employees feel like they can share their ideas or allow them to explore new and different approaches to problems.

 Not everyone needs to be a designer, musician or comedian in order to be creative. Feel free to run with your ideas, think outside the box and be fearless when it comes to letting your creativity shine.






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