Starting 2022 with a BANG!

2020 and 2021 brought a lot of changes for everyone. As a team and a community, we had to learn and adapt to the challenges the universe decided to throw at us. From COVID, adjusting to remote work and everything in between, our lives were turned upside-down, and we had no other choice other than to adapt.


Change isn’t always easy, especially when it comes in the form of a global pandemic. We had to change our work routines, our office spaces and find new ways to stay motivated while dealing with the many changes in our personal lives. It wasn’t always easy, but change never is.


Even with all of these changes, as a company, we not only made sure that we adapted but we also made sure that our team members were comfortable, safe and ready to adapt with us. While making our teams and their families our highest priority it provided them with the peace of mind and confidence to help us grow.


And oh boy, did we grow.


We expanded our teams, tried out new hiring and training experiences, learned a lot about our industry, played a bunch of video games and created new relationships.


We made mistakes (yes, even a company as cool as velv makes mistakes), analysed them and found new and dynamic ways to improve. We’re always looking to grow, and we made sure to listen to what was being said and the silence of things that weren’t said in order to make sure that when 2022 rolled around we were ready to be the best version of ourselves.


So, cheers to an amazing (and slightly difficult) 2021. It was great but we’re ready for all of the new adventures and everything 2022 will throw at us. A big thank you to our amazing community for making our day-to-day lives awesome.

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